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debitna kartica i pket usluga
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CURRENT ACCOUNT AND SERVICE SETS: Make moments for yourself possible

 Become a customer of Raiffeisen Bank with a Service Set

Current account - get a debit card through one of the Service Sets.

A current account is a special account that the Bank opens for a domestic or foreign adult individual with permanent residence in the territory of BiH, for the purpose of receiving regular monthly income and making payments up to the available funds in the current account.
You can manage the funds in your current account using a Visa Classic debit card or a Mastercard® debit card.

Make a new Raiffeisen friend possible

Don't miss out on the benefits we've prepared for you!

Invite friends to become Raiffeisen clients and you will receive a cash reward of 30 KM.

When your friend becomes our client, they will also receive a cash reward of 20 KM.

MOMENT SERVICE SET: Make moments for yourself possible

Become a Raiffeisen customer in just a few minutes and take advantage of the benefits of the Moment Service Set - with a debit card, Raiffeisen Mobile Banking and additional services.

KM 4.99  per month

TEMPO SERVICE SET: Make happy moments possible

The Tempo Service Set contains products and services for your daily needs. The service set includes all benefits of the Moment Service Set, with additional services such as credit cards, UNIQA additional health insurance and other.

KM 12.99  per month

Debit cards Raiffeisen bank

At any point of sale with a PoS device.

At our branches and wide network of automated teller machines, anywhere in the
country and abroad. Safer payments as there is no need to carry any cash on you.

If you receive your regular monthly income into a current account/debit card at
Raiffeisen Bank. Raiffeisen bank has made it possible to submit an online request for current account overdraft. Apply online for an overdraft on your current account
right now CLICK HERE!

Please see pieces of advice for successful card payments HERE.

When making payments with cards issued by Raiffeisen Bank abroad in a foreign curency, the transaction is converted into the BAM currency and recorded on the customer's account in the amount that is of an informative nature. The amount
charged/reserved is shown at the exchange rate of the card organisation (Visa
or Mastercard) for the EUR currency, valid on the date of the transaction. When
the transaction is due for billing by the Bank, it is possible that the displayed amount of these transactions will be changed subsequently, and no later than within 30 days from the actual date on which the transaction was carried out. This means that the amount actually charged may be different depending on the sell rate for Raiffeisen
Bank’s foreign currency that is current on the day of posting, which may differ
from the exchange rate on the day of the transaction. 

* The exchange rate is used when transferring money between accounts.

“Basic Payment Account /Basic Account” is an account that, according to the provisions of the Domestic Payments Law in both B&H entities, may be opened by a private individual with legal residence in one of the B&H entities, providing that such private individual does not have an account opened for payment transactions in any financial organisation.

Funds on the basic account are available through Visa Classic or Mastercard debit cards.


The basic account includes the following services:

For BiH: 

For RS

·  Account opening, maintenance and closing

·  Account opening, maintenance and closing

·  Payment of funds to the account and receipt of payments from third parties

·  Payment of funds to the account and receipt of payments from third parties

· Payment of money at the counter and ATMs

· Payment of money at the counter and ATMs

·  Transfer of funds from one account to another account by direct debit, using a payment card (including online payments), and approvals (including standing orders) at POS terminals, counters and through internet banking

· Payment transactions in internal payment transactions that are linked to this account


· Seven monthly payment transaction services in individual amounts up to KM 100

·  Standing order

·  Standing order

·  Debit card

·  Debit card

·  Raiffeisen Internet Banking

· Raiffeisen Internet Banking

·  Raiffeisen Mobile Banking – R'm'B

·  Raiffeisen Mobile Banking – R'm'B

·  Raiffeisen banking on Viber

·  Raiffeisen banking on Viber

· Raiffeisen m-pay

·  Raiffeisen m-pay

In accordance with its sustainability strategy, the Bank contributes to a
healthier planet and environmental protection in various ways. Our new,
recycled cards are made of 85% recycled PVC, which means a direct reduction in
the generation of new waste, and energy conservation.

Choose us as your partner, become part of the sustainability story and make
your environmental contribution to the world.

You can check your account balance and movements with the services Raiffeisen mobile banking and Raiffeisen online banking. With the Raiffeisen Viber banking service, you can check the balance on all of your card and sight accounts at Raiffeisen Bank, as
well as the last five transactions on any of these accounts. E-statement is a
monthly electronic statement allowing you to check the movements on your active
card accounts online or from your e-mail account.

Kako aplicirati?

Za debitnu karticu i Paket usluga možete aplicirati online za samo nekoliko minuta.

1. U sigurnim ste rukama

Raiffeisen banka je članica RBI grupacije – etablirane i višestruko nagrađivane bankarske grupacije u Srednjoj i Istočnoj Evropi.

2. Popunite online zahtjev

Kliknite na dugme Apliciraj online i popunite web formu.

3. Posjetite najbližu poslovnicu

Potpišite ugovornu dokumentaciju i preuzmite karticu.

Najčešće postavljena pitanja

Ovdje možete pronaći odgovore na najčešće postavljena pitanja.

Skupljanjem bodova ostvarujete nižu naknadu ili Paket bez naknade. 

Svaki od sljedećih uslova nosi po 2 boda:

• Minimalno 5 transakcija mjesečno putem Internet i/ili Raiffeisen Mobilnog Bankarstva prema računima pravnih lica
(za svakih 5 dodatnih transakcija dobijate 2 dodatna boda)

• Prosječna mjesečna iskorištenost limita od minimalno 60% po tekućem računu/debitnoj kartici

• Prosječna mjesečna iskorištenost limita od minimalno 60% po kreditnoj kartici

• Plata ili penzija u Raiffeisen banci
(sve dok imate redovna mjesečna primanja automatski ostvarujete 2 boda)

Da, kamatna stopa je fiksna za cijeli period trajanja oročenja.

Da, u svim Paketima usluga su sadržani digitalni servisi. Izaberite Paket koji najviše odgovara Vašim potrebama.

Prednosti korištenja mobilnog i internet bankarstva su mnogobrojne, a neke od njih su:

- Realizacija naloga uz povoljnije naknade

-  Dostupnost usluga 24 sata dnevno

-  Korištenje usluge gdje god je omogućen pristup internetu

 - Maksimalna sigurnost uz primjenu najsavremenijih tehnologija

Sredstva možete oročiti u KM ili EUR valuti.

Ukoliko plaćate račune putem naših digitalnih servisa očekuje Vas povoljnija naknada za realizaciju naloga. 

Dodatno, ukoliko je račun pravnog lica na koji se vrši uplata otvoren u Raiffeisen banci plaćanje računa je bez naknade.