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Casco insurance

Get additional security for your car!

What is casco insurance?

Casco is a type of voluntary insurance at terms and conditions set by the insurance company. This insurance covers insured events which result in damage, destruction or loss of the insured vehicle and other objects covered by the insurance policy.


Casco insurance covers even losses that are caused by the driver.

The calculation basis for the premium is the car’s new purchase value at the time of the conclusion of the insurance agreement (insurance policy) and presents the insured sum. The insured sum remains unchanged during the entire lifetime of the insurance.

All types of land motor vehicles, rail vehicles as well as working machines and their mechanical components.

Any loss is reported to the insurance company, immediately after it has occurred, within three days at the latest.

  • Traffic accident (overturning, accidental collision, slipping, plunge etc.),
  • Falling objects,
    • Fire,
      • Damage to the electrical installation as a result of burning the electrical installation on the vehicle,
        • Explosion,
          • Storm and hail,
            • Avalanche,
              • Falling aircraft,
                • Events and demonstrations,
                  • Theft, grand theft, robbery, burglary or misappropriation of a motor vehicle, for all types of motor vehicles. 
                    • Theft means any misappropriation of a vehicle. Any disposition of the vehicle together with the key and the registration document shall not fall under the definition of theft.
                      • Malicious act or wilful damage by third parties,
                        • Damage to the car upholstery.