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Junior savings: We care for the youngest ones.

Choose children's savings with an unlimited number of deposits per month and flexibility in managing the funds.


Your deposits/withdrawals are not limited

An unlimited number of payments and withdrawals are allowed during the term. All subsequent investments are recorded in the savings book, and interest is calculated on the new savings balance.

Choose the currency in which you want to save

You can opt for a maximum of two installments with the condition that one installment be in BAM and the other in EUR currency.

Automatic renewal of your agreement

Children's savings with the possibility of automatic renewal of the agreement for the same term, i.e. until the minor comes of age.

Save with a fixed interest rate

Achieve faster deposit growth by saving at fixed
interest rates.

Save at a favorable interest rate

The most favorable interest rate on term savings.

More Information

  • Maximum installment amount is BAM 30,000 (equivalent in EUR currency), and the minimum deposit amount is BAM 500. 
  • During the entire term period, the amount of term funds must continuously be the minimum of BAM 500 (equivalent in EUR currency).
  • Investments are possible during the installment period without a limited amount of individual payment, provided that the total deposited funds do not exceed the maximum installment amount.

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