Information on Measures Applied by the Bank in Emergencies for Legal Entities - Floods 2024
In accordance with the “Decision on Special Measures Applied by the Bank in Emergency Circumstances - October 2024 Floods” of the Banking Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH, No. 79/24), clients of Raiffeisen Bank dd Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: the Bank), legal entities directly or indirectly affected by the emergency circumstances caused by the October 2024 floods, whose repayment sources have been reduced and thereby made it impossible or will make it impossible, to regularly settle obligations towards the Bank, may submit a request to the Bank for the application of special measures.
The special measures for which the Bank’s clients can apply are:• Moratorium or deferment in repaying loan obligations, with the suspension of interest calculation and additional fees on the loan obligations amount during the moratorium period. This includes the possibility of extending the loan maturity period for the duration of the moratorium; the Bank can approve this measure for a maximum of 6 months;
• Introduction of a “grace” period for the repayment of the loan principal in the case of loans repaid in installments, which includes extending the final repayment term for the duration of the grace period; the Bank can approve this measure for a maximum period of 12 months;
• Extension of the final loan repayment term for loans repaid in installments so that the final loan term can be extended for up to 12 months;
• Extension of the maturity period for loans with single maturity so that the Bank can approve this measure for a period of up to 6 months;
• Approval of an additional exposure amount to overcome current liquidity difficulties; • Other measures taken by the Bank to facilitate the servicing of the client’s loan obligations, recovery, and establishment of sustainable operations.
The Client can submit the Questionnaire for the assessment of criteria for the application of special measures under emergency circumstances caused by floods for legal entities / Request for the application of special measures at the Bank’s branch or via the email address of the responsible Sales Manager, with a detailed explanation of the reasons for requesting the implementation of special measures and the submission of all evidence available to confirm the stated reasons.Based on the submitted information/evidence, the Bank will analyze the submitted request and contact the client regarding further steps.
The Bank will not charge additional fees for the services performed or fees related to the application and approval of measures.In accordance with the Decision on Special Measures Applied by the Bank in Emergency Circumstances - October 2024 Floods, the deadline for submitting the Request for the application of special measures is December 9, 2024.