Notification of temporary unavailability of services of the Bank on 25.01.2025
Please be advised that due to regular system maintenance scheduled for 25.01.2025 between 08:00 AM and 7:00 PM, the following services of Raiffeisen Bank will be temporarily unavailable:
- Raiffeisen Mobile Banking
- Personal Online Banking
- Corporate Online Banking
- Payments to all accounts on Cash IN ATMs.
- Withdrawals from sight accounts and other cashless transfers on Bankomatiq devices.
- Instalment payments via Raiffeisen Mastercard Shopping card as follows:
- Instalment payments and revolving transactions using Mastercard Shopping Cards on POS devices that provide instalment payments
- Revolving transactions will be possible on POS devices that do not provide instalment payments using Mastercard Shopping Cards.
Other cards will run smoothly on the above-mentioned POS devices, and cash withdrawals using all cards will be possible on all ATMs.
We kindly advise you to carry out all planned transactions through the services mentioned above either before or after the announced service unavailability.
We kindly thank you for your understanding.
24 January 2025 15:05